This is an except from Megan Philipa Driscoll's dissertation on "Art on the Internet and the Digital Public Sphere," 1994 - 2003. Click image above to read Driscoll's dissertation.

The Story of ArtNetBBS
January 1, 1992 I moved from the twin Cities to Manhattan. A few months earlier I bought my first 14.4 modem and tried to go online, not even sure what “going online: meant. I remember dialing into a bunch of phone numbers, each time the modem would beep, hum and make the weirdest noises, then not connect. It took over an hour before I finally made it onto a Bulletin Board System. I had no idea what to do and why I was there. When someone contacted me I got so scared that I unplugged it and put the modem in a box to be shipped to NYC.



2nd Modem

This is my bedroom on the 33rd floor of the Gateway Plaza, one block from the World Trade Center. By this time I had two 14.4 modems attached to my Mac IIci running NovaTerm BBS software. While I slept artists logged into ArtNetBBS to exchange ideas and imagery.