Project Description

We took the “timber and tie” subject literally, using railroad ties and spikes to create a proposed wall relief.

Imagine 42, 1 1/2″ slices of a railroad tie, 7″ x 9″ each, arranged in three rows and spaning both walls. Four truncated railroad spikes (they do not penetrate the wall) appear to hold them in place. 

To unify the elements into one single artwork, we plan to exploit the cracking of oak end grains with a third connecting element, copper wired. The copper will be cold cast into the cracks using copper powder and acrylic resins. This method has two advantages. It creates a beautiful compliment to the oak grain patterns while binding the cracks together as a single block. Both the oak and the copper will polish to a high luster.

With this installation we intend to evoke the vital role played by the use of Timber and Tie in the industrial revolution.


Preparing the Oak Wood

  1. We will slice up a 14″ diameter red oak log into approximately 100 2″ slices.
  2. They will be dried in a microwave oven, which will incourage crack.
  3. Once properly dried, 42 slices will be chosen for their beauty and interesting crack patterns. 
  4. The discs will be cropped (trimmed) into 8″ x 10″ slams.
  5. The crack will be filled with a mixture of copper pellets, copper power and acrylic resin.
  6. Once dry, the oak slams will be resized to 1.5″ x 7″ x 9″
  7. The final step is to sand and polish.

Preparing and Attaching the Spikes

  1. We will purchace 200 new railroad spike.
  2. Cut them to approximately 2″ long.
  3. Drill two holes in the interior side for a dowel.
  4. Prepare the oak slams with the corrosponded holes.
  5. Apoxy the spikes to the slams.

Attaching to the Wall

  1. First the wall need to be repainted to Warm Gray 2 C, one of the approved Timber and Tie colors.
  2. Then we will  carefully draw the matrix on the two walls.
  3. Temporary rails will be attached to the wall.
  4. The individual units with then be apoxied to the wall.

Once the temporary rails are removed and the wall paint touched up, the project will be complete.

Contact Info...

Team Name: J & R California Building Collab
Justin Hossle & Remo Campopiano



To which RFQ are you applying: Mural #2 – 3D Art Installation

Link to Initial Prposal.