ARTPAPER was founded by Lynn Ball and Remo Campopiano in 1981. The first issue was publish February 1, 1982. ARTPAPER was the primary project of the Visual Arts Information Service, VAIS, a non-profit arts organization.


  • The first issue of ARTPAPER consisted of eight pages and was publish February 1, 1982.
  • It had no photos and looked more like a newsletter than an arts publications.
  • It was free for the first 3 months then it cost $10 for an annual subscribe.
  • An annual subscription included ten monthly issues. The summer issue covered June, July and August.
  • The third issue, Volume 1, Number 3, the April issue, 1982 published it’s first Images.
  • ARTPAPER published it first ad in it’s 4 issue, it was it was the art supply store called Art Materials.
  • The Summer issue of ARTPAPER jumped up to a whopping 12 pages.
The first issue of ARTPAPER was published February 1, 1982. It was all of eight pages and not one image.
It wasn't until the third issue that we felt we could afford the cost of an image on the front pages.
Be the time the next February came around we finally had the hang of it.