The club was made up of 10-12 year old kids and their dads. For about 4 years we made robotic art performances and had a great time doing so.

Personal note: This is how it always happens. I friend came by to see what I was up to and he brought his 10-year-old son. I was working on some robotics ideas that I showed them. The kid was wide-eyed and asked if he could help. I turned to the dad and he said he’d love to help. Soon we had about eight kids and 5 dads. All the dads were quite handy, but some of them were outright brilliant. I could not have done these projects without the dads. I made a lot of good friends that way.

Our biggest project was Dance of the WaterSpiders, see here, but we did not more which I hope to outline here, including the 50-foot Serpent, see here.