Jan. 25 – March 29, 1997

Port: Navigating Digital Culture is an exhibition of networked digital worlds on the Internet organized by the founders of artnetweb, Remo Campopiano and Robin Murphy.

23 Internet performances by individuals and groups were  screamed into the gallery space and projected onto four large screens.

Each performance happen at the same time each week until the artists learned how to perfect their technology in this new medium. At the time no one had ever attempted an art project like this.

The audience could experience these performances from three perspectives. They could visit via their own computers and participate from anywhere in the world, They could watch a live video stream from a camera at the center of the room, which they could control. Or they could come visit the museum and experience PORT first hand and talk with the coordinator, Remo Campopiano. 

This Web site and the PORT-MIT listserv were created to identify potential participants and document the exhibition process. 

Below are links to thumbnails and screenshots of the projections as they were shown on the four screens of the List Center gallery. You will find a short description and a link to a longer project description on each page. Or you can go directly to the REMOTE PARTICIPANT INDEX
Wailing in the AlulA Dimension
Ebon Fisher
David Bartel with äda’web
ArtDirt Im-Port
G.H. Hovagimyan and guests
Plastic Mother
Beyond the QE2
Telerobotic Camera
Benjamin Tremblay and William Tremblay
CyberDance Myths
Carmin Karasic and Leslie Everett
Conductor #1: Getting in Touch with Chicken
Cary Peppermint
Marek Walczak with Mike Mittelman, Mark James, Jesse Gilbert, Henning Knueppel and Sophia Warshleaf
Eight Dialogues
John Hopkins
emergent(c) room
Floating Point Unit
Lawrence Weiner with äda’web
Mapping Project
Daniel O. Georges
Mr. Z or I Was a Teenage Cryptologist
Rabinal Achi/ZapatistaPortAction
Ricardo Dominguez and Ron Rocco
Raku Writing
Nathan Fruin, Chris Spain, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Duane Whitehurst
rDNA (imagined)
Prema Murthy
Prosthesis to a Well
Sawad Brooks
Jesse Gilbert and Marek Walczak with Henning Knueppel
Adrianne Wortzel
Virtual Streetcar
Flying Leap Studio / The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Helen Thorington