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To see more details about any piece, click the large sliding image (it may take a moment to load), or select an installation from the drop-down menu under INSTALLATIONS.

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The Timeline works the same way—click on a title to visit the full page (most entries have one).

A Personal Note

I began my career in the summer of 1980. The summer before, while doing my graduate work at Cranbrook Academy of Art, I traveled across the U.S. searching for the best city for art—and I chose the Twin Cities.

It helped that, during my time at Cranbrook, I had the extraordinary opportunity to assist Siah Armajani with one of his installations. I must’ve done something right, because he invited me to work with him again. I learned more about making art during that year than in all of my formal education.

Under Installations, you’ll find both my strongest works and my earliest missteps. It takes time to find your footing—but that journey is part of the work.