General Information

Title: Garden Grass
By: Remo Campopiano & Lisa Roy (Concept by Remo Campopiano)
Date: June, 2024
Location: Minnetonka, MN
Dimensions: 13′ x 3′ x 3′
Materials: Galvanized & stainless steel, and 3d-printed ASA filament.
Budget: $7,500

Modular Construction

We employed a modular system consisting of, from top down; Seedpod, Wire, Sheath, Rod, Plug, Pipe, down to Retainer Pipe. Below are the specifications for each.

The seedpods are all the same size, approximately 6.5 inches tall, by .5 inch in diameter. They are printed vertically in groups of 9 pods connected with a 1/16″ x 1/16″ bridge between them. The bridge keeps them stable during fast shifts in the printer bed. The bridges are easily cut away with an x-acto knife. The are printer in groups of 27 pods at a time, which takes just under 24 hours. This sculpture requires 444 seedpods.

The wires are all 3/32″ stainless steel. No wire is longer that 14.5″ long, or shorter than 9 inches. The top of the wire traverses 5.5″ into the bottom of seedpod. The fit is slightly loose so that it can easily be epoxied to the seedpod.

They vary in length and diameter according to which rod diameter they are associated with. With the exception of the one 3/8″ diameter sheath, all sheaths accept 9 seedpod-wire assemblies, 3 in the top and 6 in the sides. The one exception accepts 12.

The robs have 3 diameters; 3/8″, 5/16″ and 1/4″. The one 3/8″ rod is only used in the center pipe and, according to engineering calculations, can be no longer than 74″ long; 5/16″, no longer that 57″; and 1/4″ no longer than 38″.