REMOte Painter - Overview

Thie REMOte Painter is the combination of the arm (x-axis) from the ENCAD Novajet Pro 600e and the MPCNC (Mostly Printed Computer Numerical Control) LowRider2 build by Ryan Zellars. See details here.

As of February 9, 2021, it operating remotely using OctoPrint via a OctoPi setup. The current workflow is as follows:

  • Draw a line or a shape with Inkscape and save it as an SVG file.
  • Load it into to generate gcode.
  • Upload it into OctoPrint and run the Job

Through this workflow we should be able to tell it to do anything we want as long as we have the right tools attached. The next phase of this project will be creating the tools need to paint.

Controlling via Control Panel & SD Card

The page is not necessary because we will rarely be controlling the machine via the Control Panel, now that we have OctoPrint set up. But it is useful to understand how we got here and the basics of gcode.

Controlling via OctoPi and OctoPrint

These three pages explore the OctoPrive Interface, explain how OctoPrint is configured and how to prepare OctoPrint to run a Job.

Setting Up Inkspace to Work with the REMOte Painter

This page will show you how the set up a document in Inkscape that will work with the REMOte Painter.

Using Inkspace to Generate Gcode (not recommended)

You can generate gcode diectly in Inkscape using Extensions. However, I have not been able to get shapes to work well. If you are just using lines read this page. 

Using JScut to Generate Gcode (recommended)

This page shows how to use a modified version of JScut to generate gcode for both lines and shapes.

Using Sandify to Generate Gcode

This pages shows how to use mathamatical rules to create line patterns that are converted to gcode.

Using Fusion 360 to Generate Gcode

Currently I have not had much luck using Fusion 360 to generate gcode, but once I get through the very complex setup, I hope to finish this page.