I do not see myself as a writer, however, I have lives a life full of interesting stories. I have written down some of these stories at different periods of my life.

I gave several of these stories to Beatrice Lee, who is a writer. She re-wrote them into much better short stories.

Eventually Beatrice will publish these stories along with many more of her own stories in a book of short Stories.

You can read the three short stories she re-wrote, here:

Another story that we both lived is the snapping turtle story. The following is her telling of this story.

I wrote a book about the four years I spent in the virtual world called Second Life. Although I never quite finished the book and probably never will, this was a very important period for me. 

However, I did write a short story about the first few months in Second Life. It has never been publish, but you can read it here (it’s a bizarre love story):