Here are some of the issues I want to explore on the timeline. Maybe at our next roundtable dinner we ask what others want to hear about?

I write this to give other some context when I ask them to give me there issues around topics they would like to hear more about.

  1. What happened in the 70s that fostered the establishment of many new arts organizations.
  2. How did the 80s downtown gallery district come together.
  3. What happened in the mid 90s to forced the artist out of downtown Minneapolis.
  4. How did Art-A-Whirl come into being and who were the prime movers.
  5. What was happening in other parts of the Twin Cities artworld? Why did it happen primarily in Northeast?
  6. What roll did the larger institutions (Walker, MIA, MCAD) play in the artist migration?
  7. What role did corporations play and was it tied to economic threads?
  8. Which artists in the Twin Cities were getting national attention and why?
  9. Is the traditional gallery model really dead?
  10. How did the digital revolution help or hinder the arts?
  11. Is there a place for print publication in the future?
  12. Did 911 play a role?
  13. Is there a correlation between which US party is in power and the health of our arts communities?
  14. How did the rise of social media help or hinder the arts?

These are just my questions. We need to get others to help further the develop the top level issues of each decade of our visual arts history.

This is the prototype outside my studio at the California Building.